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Tortilla Sandwich Kabobs

Looking into how to make better kabobs? This sandwich kabob recipe is perfect! Azteca's flour tortillas are just the right addition to these kabobs!

Cook 5 min. | Servings 1

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tortilla sandwich kabobs


Azteca Soft & Tender Original Thin tortillas, cut with cookie cutter


Pepperoni, cut with cookie cutter

Mozzarella pearls

Cherry tomatoes

Gouda cheese, sliced and cut in quarters



Cheddar cheese, sliced & cut with cookie cutter



  1. Cut your ingredients as indicated above. Fold salame in half, and then half again.
  2. Skewer your sticks alternating meat, cheese, vegetable, tortilla and repeat. For your “dessert” kabob, alternate grape, 2 cheeses, and tortilla.
  3. Enjoy!

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