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Sonoma Breakfast Tacos

"Breakfast Tacos Near Me?" More like Best Breakfast Tacos recipes! Our Sonoma Breakfast Tacos are a delicious and easy to make!

Cook 15 min. | Servings 1

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sonoma breakfast tacos


1 package Azteca® tortillas Street Tacos

8 slices of bacon

8-10 large eggs

1 teaspoon kosher salt

Black pepper to taste

1 cup habanero jack cheese, shredded

1 avocado, thinly sliced



Preheat oven 400°

  1. In a large nonstick skillet, cook the bacon over moderate heat, turning once, until browned and crisp.
  2. Transfer to paper towels to drain. In a medium bowl, beat eggs adding salt and pepper.
  3. Melt butter in skillet, add eggs and cook through to turning often until soft curds form (scrambled style).
  4. Arrange tortillas on baking sheet; spoon eggs on tortillas and sprinkle with cheese.
  5. Bake about 3 minutes, until the cheese is just melted. Remove from oven, top eggs with the bacon and avocado.
  6. Garnish with radishes, cilantro and white onion. Serve immediately.

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